Excellent observations and a very good article. But consider that the worst sin in the west isn't racism or antisemitism...it is standing in opposition to the LGBTPQ2+ movement...and Russia is the strongest force in the world which does this. That is why the collective west hates them.
Excellent observations and a very good article. But consider that the worst sin in the west isn't racism or antisemitism...it is standing in opposition to the LGBTPQ2+ movement...and Russia is the strongest force in the world which does this. That is why the collective west hates them.
Good point. There's actually a post making your argument: https://www.richardhanania.com/p/russia-as-the-great-satan-in-the
If you want to be able to click on the actual tweets in this post, you can do so in the ZeroHedge version of it here: https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2023-06-24/dodging-bullet-russia