There is something fundamentally larger at play with the Bud Light controversy. The Mulvaney Disaster gave regular guys a very clear and easy way to vote their preferences on one of the most divisive issues in history. That's not hyperbole - the binary nature of humankind is under attack. Now, Joe Sixpack gets to cast his ballot. He doesn't give a rip about market cap or brand reputation. Budweiser's mistake was to give him a reason *not* to choose the brand, and the reason is as fundamental as gravity. He knows something foul is happening in the culture and this is Joe's chance to cast a vote. By aligning, however briefly, with the trans movement, Bud became the tip of the spear in the most polarizing social issue in history. Joe Sixpack is not voting "no" to Bud Light, he is voting "no" to transgender ideology.

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Have you considered a dashboard for your options trades? a google doc would be perfect

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PRIDEsteria: Bud Light Goes Trans Memes (Tranheuser-Butch!)

- The RNC is still serving it, a no nuts beer, trans spokesmen are catching on, new Bud product-ad ideas, the new Bud girl, a reminder about Coors and more Bud Light goes trans memes!


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Is it possible to start getting a reminder to sell out WING before the close as you mention above? I wrote about it yesterday and you said you were waiting until today, and now we are down and while I know I can't time the peak every time, your guidance on things like this would be very helpful David...

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